one dances, the other doesn’t

hybrid feature film

Original title: Die Eine tanzt, die Andere nicht

International title: One dances, the other doesn’t

Length: 80min

Languages: English, German, Spanish, Hebrew with english Subtitles

From and with: Tirza Ben Zvi, Daniela Castillo Toro, Anngret Schultze, Quintus Hummel, Mirjam Brajkovic, Homero Alonso, Lina Figueroa, among others.

Direction, production and script: Emilie Girardin

Cinematography and color: Jannik Tesch

Editing: Maria Castan de Manuel (AMMAC), Emilie Girardin

Set-Sound: Otto Alegre

Supported by: république et canton du jura, alfred toepfer stiftung f.v.s, frankfurter stiftung maecenia für frauen in wissenschaft und wunst, centre de cultura de dones francesca bonnemaison, focal.

Short description: The hybrid feature film "One dances, the other doesn’t" accompanies between reality and fiction two young migrant women who are confronted with the topic of motherhood. Using autofiction and collectively developed dialogues, questions of reproductive justice as well as queer family models are explored.

Synopsis: Dancer Tirza is a few days away from an abortion when her best friend Dani suddenly suggests that they could have the child together with Dani’s partner Reta in a shared family. But that would be a clear decision against Tirza’s just starting dance career.